The Great Experiment, In Progress

>> Sunday, April 17, 2011

Part of what I've learned so far in this personal experiment I've been conducting on my priorities is that balance is an art to be finessed and refined. And so I've been contemplating the balance of rest on the Sabbath and productivity during the week; work during the day and winding down at night, when to do the dishes, and when to let the dishes do themselves (no, wait--that's my dream fantasy). And on this Sunday evening as I ponder the things I have learned over the past week or so, and how to muse about it here, I also notice that my eyelids are heavy from a day of robust worship, sadness from loss, joy in fellowship, mothering my children--and no blessed Sunday afternoon nap. Heck, the blog can come when I'm feeling spendy with the hours my house is asleep, but tonight Slumber is tipping the scales over Dear-Diary-ing. Until then (and then will probably involve a large cup of Pike's Place...)!



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