
My name is Sarah Vaughan and I am a recovering designer.

You see, after a several years' hiatus of creating art (that I truly enjoy) due to artistic burnout and a little too much life happening all at once, I am dipping my big toe into those creative juices once again.

As I'm making a fresh start for myself, I'm rather going back to the basics: Form and Tone, with an iconic bent. For now I am tickling my inner perfectionist by creating neat little graphite renderings. My muses at the moment are vintage household items, food, gardening, and classic movies.

And speaking of classic movies, how come I didn't believe how freaking amazing everyone said they were, until now?? Below is a scene from my current favorite, Sabrina, which depicts one of the best on-screen kisses ever, mostly because it's so audacious, but mostly because it's Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn.

November 2012


So, I just read Twilight, surprisingly loved it, and even more surprisingly got a little creative kick in the butt as an extra bonus. It may be "fan art", but who cares? I haven't gotten the bug to draw since reading Harry Potter, so here's to hoping for this page to fill up with my newly tapped creative source--Twilight! Hope you likey!

June 2012

Edward (dedicated to Beth for encouraging me to keep reading!)

 Bella (post-human)

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